Assess your on-premise estate and identify your clearest route to the Cloud.






The level of insight we uncover for our customers during our IT and database assessments is incredible. Discover how many VMs you actually have, to the number of applications you could decommission, and shed light on the duplicated infrastructure  you’re inadvertently paying for twice. 

In this webinar, you'll find out:

  • Why having a clear view of your IT landscape is crucial to shaping your cloud strategy
  • How to identify key drivers for change across cost, security, resilience, agility, and more
  • How to start your cloud journey off on the right foot

If you don’t know what you have, you can't know where to start. Sign up for this think tank and we'll help you see the wood for the trees.

This session is the first in a three-part series. To sign up for all three sessions, click here.


Register Here

Welcome to Our Think Tank!


8:30 - 8.45: Why Google Cloud?

Discover what makes Google Cloud unique and why organisations should consider it - even if they're using another cloud provider - Matthew Harcourt, Google Cloud

8:45 - 9:00: Why Assessments Are Crucial

Gain insights into key benefits, hear real life stories, and discover how to achieve buy-in and plan an efficient journey to the Cloud - Jeremy Lloyd, Appsbroker

9:00 - 9:20: Infrastructure Assessment

Find out why we use StratoZone vs other tools, how to set it up, and explore a sample report highlighting key findings - Matthew Harcourt, Google Cloud

9:20 - 9:40: Database Assessment

Find out why we use migVisor, see an assessment walkthrough, and explore output analysis highlighting key findings - Ewan Zhang, Google Cloud

9:40 - 10:00 - Quiz and Q&A

In this webinar, you’ll get to see:

Why a cost assessment is essential to building a business case and propelling your route to the Cloud.


Practical examples of the infrastructure assessment - what’s involved, how to set it up, and an in-depth look at the final report.

A practical example of the database assessment - what’s involved, how to set it up, and an in-depth look at the final report.

Expect Extraordinary

Google and its friends at Appsbroker have joined forces to provide the opportunity for our developer community to learn from some of the best brains in the Google ecosystem, experiment with the latest and greatest tools from Google, and explore Appsbroker’s Intel Select HPC Centre of Excellence. Leave enriched with great ideas, new ways of working and newly developed skills that can be directly transferred back to your day job, helping to excel your career.





mattpJeremy Lloyd
Infrastructure & App Mod Solution Lead, Appsbroker




mattpMatthew Harcourt
Customer Engineer, Google

mattpEwan Zhang
Customer Engineer, Google